Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Time sure flies when you are having FUN!!!!

What a wirl wind of a SUMMER!!!! It is hard to believe that school starts back for Bryson on August the 16th!!!! It seems like it starts earlier and earlier every year! We go to register and find out who his teacher is on Thursday! Adell is doing SUPER with her STAR band! We went last week for an adjustment with Orthopedic Services and Dale said that we were right on track! He was extremely pleased with Adell's progress!!!! We go back next week for a follow up appointment and another STAR Scan to check her progress. Adell sure does not let wearing her STAR band interfere with any of her day to day activites!!! She is a very curious and active 7 month old now!!! She babbles constantly with her favorite word being "DA"!!! She also LOVES with a capital "L" eating baby food now!!!! We have a time keeping her STAR Band clean while she is eating due to her blowing bubbles with her baby food!!! I would like to thank everyone who continues to follow Adell's STAR Band Journey! I would also like to encourage everyone to keep supporting "Alexandra's PHATE"! If it wasn't for their great help Adell would not be so fortuneate to have a STAR Band. Keep checking back for more updates on Adell's progress! We are in the midst of a terrible thunderstorm so I am logging off for now! Morgan

Sunday, July 11, 2010

We have made alot of progress!!!!

We sure have been busy!!!! Dale was on vacation this past week, but it wasn't much of a vacation for him!!! He had lots of projects around the house that he got done!! We started off our week celebrating July 4th with a cook out with my parents and then a huge fireworks and ice cream social at our church. Then on Tuesday evening we took the kids on their first fishing trip! That was exciting! Bryson and Emily each caught their first fish!
Adell had an appointment with Orthopedic Services on Wednesday afternoon. She did GREAT!!!! Joel made the necessary adjustments to her STAR Band. She was experiencing a little "rotation" with her helmet so we were there a little longer for this appointment. Adell had another STAR scan to check and see if we could see a difference with the helmet. GREAT NEWS!!!! Adell has been wearing her helmet for @ a month now. When we first started she was in the 12-13 range, now we are in the 8-9 area!!!! Joel and Dale at Orthopedic Services were extremely pleased with her progress!!! She is doing great with her helmet!!! She is so used to it now she gets upset when we take it off for bathtime!!! We go see Elizabeth this week at "Kidnetics" for our physical therapy appointmet. I can't wait to share the news on the progress Adell has made. I will post again after our appointment with Elizabeth. I would like to thank everyone for following Adell and her STAR band Journey.